I was really looking forward to reading Mystic City, especially when the description referenced Blade Runner, but unfortunately this book fell flat. I liked the idea behind it and everything, but couldn't help but compare the whole memory wipe scenario to another book I read called Renegade by J.A. Souders that did it better. And back to that Blade Runner reference, I didn't really see anything in this book that resembled Blade Runner.
I think my biggest problem with the book was how infuriatingly stupid Aria is sometimes, and Hunter too. There is a whole scene where she and Hunter should be escaping out the window and they just sit there and chat until they get caught. And why in the world doesn't she ever lock the door? Hunter has these awesome powers but conveniently doesn't think to use them most of the time so that they get caught and we have the whole "How are they going to get out of this?" scenario.
I also think the book would have been more interesting if we had gotten to know more about Thomas and his motivations.