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Tammie's Reading Reviews

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The Bloodforged
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Susan Dennard


Reconnaissance - Aubrie Dionne 3 1/2 stars. I wondered if I would enjoy Reconnaissance because it's about Nova, a character I really didn't like in the first book, Colonization but I did end up enjoying it. We get a different perspective on who Nova is and the reasons behind some of her behavior. She makes some nice changes by the end as well. The aspect of the book that I liked the most was meeting the creepy crawly aliens. Sometimes they seemed intelligent, which of course was a good thing that added danger and tension to the story. But sometimes they seemed rather stupid which resulted in the characters getting out of situations way too easily. I have the same complaints about this book that I had with the other one. Why are 17 year olds being trusted with important missions? Where are all the adults that should be doing those things?