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Tammie's Reading Reviews

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A Matter of Magic

A Matter of Magic - Patricia C. Wrede A Matter of Magic is actually two books in one, Mairelon the Magician and The Magician's Ward. I was expecting more of a fantasy when I started this, but it is more of a historical mystery with small elements of historical fantasy and romance. The first book is a mystery surrounding a magical item and while it was a nice read it didn't really pull me in as much as it could have. I found the mystery rather dull and kept waiting for a lot more magic. There is no romance in the first story.

The second story is better. I liked the mystery in this one a lot more, but I felt the characters could have been written better. I was waiting for the romantic tension to start, like the characters glancing into each others eyes and looking away, or one of them noticing how nice the other looks, or a spark between them while they are dancing. Just something, but unfortunately we get none of that. Mairelon is about as romantic as a statue in my opinion, which is too bad because it would have really lent a great deal to the story. The result is that this book is mainly a magical mystery with no romance until almost the end. The ending was sweet and I did like Mairelon and I loved Kim. I just think it could have been better.