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Tammie's Reading Reviews

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Divine Deception (Love Notes #7)

Divine Deception (Love Notes #7) - Marcia Lynn McClure 2.5 stars. This is kind of Beauty and the Beast-ish, but also reminded me of East of the Sun and West of the Moon because the Hero of the story hides his face from the woman he loves. I was honestly disappointed in this book. I had previously read A Crimson Frost by Ms. McClure and really enjoyed it, even if it was a bit cheesy at times. Divine Deception was however, a bit too cheesy for me. The wording constantly played off the masculine and feminine differences in the characters and it got old. How many times do we need to be reminded how big and powerful the hero of the story is and how much smaller the heroine is? In the end I also found his reason for hiding behind the cloak a bit ridiculous.

There was no build up to the love story either. It was pretty much instant with no real reasons behind it other than the main character kind of romanticized the hero in the hooded cloak who saved her from a bad situation. I found the main character, Fallon to be mainly annoying and immature through most of the book, and she cried way too much. I did kind of like how the book showed that we don't always see ourselves accurately, and that through another person's eyes we are beautiful when often through our own eyes we are not.