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Tammie's Reading Reviews

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The Bloodforged
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Susan Dennard

Winter Omens

Winter Omens - Trisha Leigh I didn't like this one quite as much as the first. A typical love triangle is introduced in this one, which I was not crazy about. I thought it just made Althea seem really fickle. There is more torture and violence in this one than the first but it didn't bother me. I just thought it was a little unreal that they could sustain the kind of injuries they did and keep on going. The speculation about whether or not Ko and Cadi are dead has gotten old. I often think that Althea is a little dim witted. She doesn't think enough before she acts and she just plain doesn't think sometimes about things that are obvious. Despite all of those little complaints, I'm still enjoying the series and want to find out what happens next.