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The Emerald Talisman

The Emerald Talisman  - Brenda Pandos I really couldn’t decide what to rate this 2 1/2 stars I guess. I kept going back and forth between it’s ok and I kind of like it. It reminded me a bit of Twilight (think gorgeous guy saves helpless girl multiple times despite her stupidity, stalks her and drives really fast), the TV series Moonlight (think immortal guy saves child from vampire and secretly watches her grow up and then falls in love with her), with a bit of Blade (think half vampire day-walker who hunts evil vampires) thrown in there as well. There were some things that I found myself rolling my eyes at. The main character had the annoying habit of thinking up something in her head and suddenly believing it was fact. Her expectations where ridiculous; she tells herself that she has to move on from someone that she only met once and was never in a relationship with. And she suffered from teenage girl, fall for any guy who gives her attention syndrome.